originally created to chronicle the domestic adoption of our daughter, Zara...now we just love to watch her grow!!!
Here is Zara eating "yummy" winter squash, i got two bites in and although she must have been hungry- turned her head and laughed at me when i tried to serve her more!
Then i switched foods and she knew it was what she wanted ...she must be memorizing the look of her favourite containers. you can see her change of "attitude" below.
While visiting Godmother Mary Rose in Hagerstown, the "singing" began!??
With a great deal of concern for baby Zara out on daily walks, Daddy bought her some wonderfully and hip shades to wear!
However, evidently, Zara is unimpressed and shows us exactly what she thinks of them! Apparently, mommy and daddy did not do a good job in the purchasing of protective eyewear department afterall!
Here is a quickie video of Zara's great grandmother's sister- Evey, reading to Zara the day we arrived. Zara had a fabulous time and even though she never actually went swimming in their awesome pool; loved every minute with Holly, Evey, Steve and Elisabeth!!!! Zara was smiley with everyone and growled in delight at the 2 little toy doggies that kept coming up to her to sniff her at random moments!
Holly's very nice boyfriend, Dharmesh, born and raised in Tanzania- and now studying in Phoenix, was a HUGE hit with Zara too! We all had loads of fun and we even went to a Diamond Backs baseball game against the NY Mets! The stadium was fully airconditioned since it was 94 degrees out! Holly bought Zara DBack's baseball cap and i will try and show a video of the scene there! Being inside the dome was cool although felt weird to be watching baseball inside! The stadium has a pool in the stands where kids are able to go swim for free and watch the game!
I will upload a few more videos without wearing you all out! XXXOo love jocelyn