Here's my girl in her stroller at Neisha Thai up the street! We walked there with our friends Leigh and Greg from ATL who had a layover in DC! They stopped over for 6 hours to see us on their way to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia to bring home their newest member of their family; Meti!!!!
http://metik.blogspot.com/ (for those friends who know the Kershners!)
It was so wonderful to see them and we feel even MORE of a part of their adoption journey than ever!

Here is a shot of Zara with Karina Ford!!! That is Tom and Ainur's sweetest little daughter just before they left for Booth Bay Harbor Maine! We were giggling so much while trying to take the snap! Kazie was leaning on Karina and Karina was just too polite to complain!
Matt is in the Carolina's and we (the ladies of leisure) are at home, and just returned from a terrific BBQ at Granny and Grandpa Zarr's house!