Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Zara BROKE 18 lbs... finally!

Here is our 13+month old girl slurping an oreo shake and the "Z Burger" joint today! We went there after going to the storytelling hour at our DC Public Library!
( "that library scene is a whole 'nother post") haha
She did eat about 3 french fries for lunch; i have learned to chalk that up as a success??
"that's crazy talk!?"
In honor of her one year birthday, i pulled out her Kansas City T- shirt I bought with Mary Rose while we were there.. and took a pic to mail to Chrissy! I spoke with Chrissy in Cuba tonight; its her birthday on Sept 19th. She sounded really good and is loving all the beautiful pics of Zara!

The fine print: Zara latest milestone: 30 inches long and 18 lbs and 1 oz!
Very exciting... i have to admit. Also, we were told by a Children's Hospital Physiatrist that she is progressing nicely and is strong for her age- although just not strong enough to compensate for her hypotonia. The Dr did say that her condition is super mild so she will grow out of it as she gets older and stronger. The only thing she did say is that we will have to watch the way her feet hit the ground when she begins to walk; sometimes kids like her will need added support/ brace to keep her ankles straight. Other than that all was perfect!

1 comment:

  1. YAY ZARA! Way to follow in your mother's footsteps with French Fries for dinner---

    You are one pretty girl~

