Chrissy & Devonte drove from Kansas to Chicago, and then another twelve hours to Maryland just to see us! Well.... more importantly to see munchie: Kathleen Zara- and to visit with Devonte's grandmother and his Dad that both live here too.
Today was their first day!
Zara & I drove up to Frederick to meet them at the Hampton Inn; where I checked them in and we spent some time together in their room. Zara had been asleep in the car so was groggy and not interested in letting anyone hold her but me...
but she warmed up and soon was off to the races.
Chrissy played hip hop music on her phone and Zara wouldn't let it go! We went to dinner together at Carrabba's which was funny- since that was Zara's first restaurant experience back in Kansas when she was maybe 3 days old!
By the end of our time together, we were all doing so well- and to prove that point let me say that Chrissy allowed Zara play with her tongue piercing!
Te was doing well despite not having seen his mom for a year. He was in rare form,
very funny, and very wired!
He also was very sweet & polite to our server. Once Te learned that our server was training another he couldn't help himself telling the new trainee, "hey, good luck on your first day!"
At one point Te asked me if I liked mozzarella sticks, and when
I responded, "sure!"
he said, "yeah, who doesn't".
Then he asked me curiously "What kind of people don't like dessert, I don't understand that?" and of course I said "me neither; makes no sense to me at all!
Chrissy looked great, she had reddish curly hair and blue contacts in over her very green eyes, so she was quite stunning! She snapped pictures like crazy and so did I.
She is driving down to see us in DC tomorrow, which is great since Matt didn't get to see them today and he really wanted to. Also, I told Chrissy she was welcome to come to Zara's doctor appointment tomorrow. She was thrilled and agreed to come along!
So tomorrow is another story and naturally a ton more pictures!