Monday, July 30, 2007

Chrissy JUST CALLED; she's going to the hospital!! 930am here!!

Mary Rose was right; she said she would go into labor last night or this morning! And here we are, this morning; Chrissie calls and says, "I have good news!!!" Kathleen Zara is almost here!
10 minutes apart, Matt's in the shower and then we are off to the St John Hospital in Leavenworth!
Matt said to Chrissy on the phone, "thanks for waiting for me!" Since he just arrived yesterday! She sounded very positive and perfectly excited. She said she is not going to tell her mom yet, unless she is told at the hospital that they are sure this is it! (her mom is at work on the base- so we can always go get her and bring her)
I asked if she wanted anything; and she said, " just the ice cubes from Sonic". (a fast food place here.)
We are packing up some items and we called the lawyers office! Monday morning at 930am; how polite!
I feel verrry nervous and anxious -- or maybe just scared to death!! LOL ;-)
we'll try and be in touch , matt's cel is 202-361-8251 in case mine is unavail.
love jocelyn


  1. Jocelyn and Matt,
    Love the blog.
    We are so excited for you!!!!
    Praying that all the details fall into place and that everything goes smoothly.
    All our love,
    Beth, Shawn and kiddos

  2. Matt and Jocie -

    Leigh and I are so excited and can't wait to hear the wonderful news!!

    We have started chanting "RockJoc Jayhawk!"

    Love to all -

