To spare you further embarrassment in your future, I am drawing the curtain on this journal of the first two years of your life in this world.
What will come next? A trip to Singapore? Flight to see Uncle Tommy Graduate from the Marines? More baby Cousins to arrive into our lives? Christina leaves the army and Daddy goes to Afghanistan. Tall enough to reach your own pedals of your own bike? Hopefully, not too soon for I cherish riding you on the front of my bike & being the one who gets to introduce you to all new things. I hope you know I made this life book for YOU, not to make you cringe but so that you will always know you came into this world loved by ALL members of your family and close friends near and far.

Oh my beautiful little Zara, from the first moment I met you and held you close and snuggled you I was in love. It was the very day of the photo above of your mommy kissing your toes. You are such a gift to your mommy and daddy. What joy you've brought to so many. Thank you for letting us share in that joy. Love and kisses and Godspeed always, Missy